


Masonry Heater Builders specialize in design, construction and installation of heat retaining masonry heaters and ovens. We design and build Finnish contra flow heaters, double bell heaters, Tulikivi soapstone fireplaces, grundofen and kachelofen (tile stoves). We also build antique Swedish tile stoves (Kakelugn), replicas of historical tile stoves and retrofit existing chimney breasts with masonry heater inserts. We undertake complete project management including design and building work.

Over the last ten years we have worked with leading design studios, award winning architects and contractors as well as self-builders and green building enthusiasts.   

We are HETAS registered installers, members of Masonry Heater Association of North America and Austrian Kachelofen Association.

Masonry Heater Builders has evolved from the initiative of several dedicated construction professionals with a passion for masonry work, strong environmental feelings and life long interest in alternative heating technologies that formed around a group of Scandinavian and European stovemasons in late nineties. Latest technologies and  modern engineering enable us to use hundreds of years old ideas in the context of 21st century with precision, safety and maximum efficiency. We are committed to sustainable and environmental construction practices combining the use of natural materials such as clay and lime with traditional cast iron components. High temperature rating firebrick and refractory castables are used for maximum durability and long lasting performance.

Combining the beauty and efficiency of Continental tile stoves with latest innovations of Scandinavian and American stove builders, the masonry heater remains probably the most efficient and flexible in it's design of all the heating appliances, allowing for any climate and environment, creating ideal living conditions. 

All stoves are hand-built on site in accordance with current Building Regulations, BS Codes of Practice - BS EN 15544:2009,  BS EN 15250:2007, BS EN 13229:2001 and BS EN 8303-1:1994.